Woman sitting on kitchen counter eating from a bowl, wearing denim overalls and barefoot, with dark green kitchen cabinets and glass pendant light.


Fertile Roots is a bespoke 12-week 1-to-1 fertility programme

Laying fertile foundations or ‘roots’ is key to fertility and healthy pregnancy. The health of egg and sperm begins 3-4 months ahead of release which is why preconception care is so critical. There is a solid body of scientific and medical research that shows the impact of nutrition and lifestyle interventions on fertility outcomes, both naturally and ahead of fertility treatment.

There’s a difference between reading about how how to improve your fertility and actually doing the work required to stay on track. A mixture of not knowing where to focus, not knowing whether you’re doing the right things and no accountability can make it hard to be consistent so that’s where I come in.

The programme I offer is bespoke to you, spans 12 weeks and includes both partners (or one partner for FET or donor sperm). I know from experience that this is the best way to get results. We have so much more control over our fertility than conventional medicine gives us credit for. A lot of infertility is caused by hormonal imbalances, inflammation and oxidative stress at the root, all things that can be improved by looking at your diet and lifestyle.

Baby and fertility aside, taking this time for you, to work on yourself and your health is an invaluable journey and the best thing you can do to prepare your body, mind and heart for the journey ahead.


Fertile roots is for you if:

  • You’re tired of googling and worrying and want help to cut through the noise

  • You’ve been trying to get pregnant for what feels like forever, you’re feeling stuck and anxious and ready to do something differently 

  • You’re looking to boost your fertility naturally before jumping to medical interventions

  • You’re sick of nagging at your partner to eat, drink or behave differently to help and it’s eroding your relationship 

  • You want to do what’s in your control to give you the best chances of success

  • You want to improve your chances of conceiving and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy

  • You are looking for a fully holistic approach to fertility, rooted in science and want to be seen, heard and supported

Fertile roots is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a ‘quick fix’

  • You aren’t ready to make changes to your diet and lifestyle to improve your chances of having a baby 

How does this sound?

  • Escape the anxiety spiral with a fertility expert in your back pocket to guide and support you

  • Start seeing positive signs in your test results, to know things are moving in the right direction so you can allow yourself to hope that maybe, just maybe, your outcomes will be different too

  • Be more aware of yourself, your body and your mind and to understand and prioritise self-care as a fundamental part of your TTC journey 

  • Feel there is more sharing of the burden of fertility and that you and your partner are working on it together 

  • Have more ease, joy and fun in your life 

  • Be sleeping better and have more energy 

  • Feel better in your body, more vibrant and balanced 

  • Feel more hopeful that conceiving or having a healthy pregnancy can be possible for you

Woman in a kitchen pouring food from a jar into a bowl on a counter.

What to expect from the programme



Marrying the most up to date nutritional science & functional testing with my unique holistic fertile coaching method, I’ll guide you through the 12 weeks. One step at a time. I'm going to help you understand your fertility to give you the very best chance of conception and support you every step of the way.


One of the most challenging parts of TTC is facing uncertainty and lack of control but you do have control over the fertile environment you create on all levels, and I’m going to show you how.


Together, using functional testing where necessary, we will look to get to the root of infertility. The programme will be built bespoke for you and your partner and we’ll look at your nutrition, lifestyle and environment and I’ll guide you through my fertile pillars looking at everything that can affect fertility from a holistic POV including diet, lifestyle, environment, supplements, mind-body connection, emotional health & more.


You’ll learn about nutrition, how your amazing body and hormones work, discover tools to strengthen your relationship with your body and to yourself and will be guided on a journey of discovery and transformation.  


Baby and fertility aside, talking 12 weeks for you, to work on yourself and your health is an invaluable journey and the best thing you can do to prepare your body, mind and heart for the journey head.


What’s included:

Each programme is tailored to the couple in front of me so no two programmes will look exactly the same 

  • 6 sessions of 121 support over 12 weeks and includes:

  • 90-minute health history deep-dive and health & wellness assessment for you and your partner

  • Recommendations for functional testing and interpretation of results

  • Fertility and hormone education

  • Personalised food, lifestyle and supplement plans

  • Research around your case in between sessions

  • Coaching through my fertile pillars looking at everything that can affect fertility from a holistic POV including diet, lifestyle, environment, supplements, mind-body connection, emotional health & more

  • Email toolkits with exercises, meal plans, journal prompts, meditations, visualisations, recipes, shopping lists and more

Bonuses included

  • Access to From Roots to Shoots Group programme access (worth £450)

  • Access to Fertile food mini-course (worth £94)

  • 10% off clinical-grade supplements

Person in kitchen preparing food with yogurt, bowls, and blueberries.
Mandarins with leaves in mesh produce bag on light surface

Your Investment

One Payment

of £1800


Payment Plan

3 monthly instalments of £600

I also recommend setting aside some budget for supplements and functional testing. Functional testing can be very useful to help us identify issues quickly. These include things like DUTCH hormone testing, vaginal microbiome testing, gut testing, Sperm DNA fragmentation.

 Pregnancy, post-natal and women’s health bespoke packages available on request.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Can nutrition and lifestyle interventions really work to improve fertility?

I always say I can never guarantee a pregnancy. Unfortunately, no one can. But what I can guarantee is that we will get your body as ready as possible to get pregnant naturally or optimise your outcomes if you choose to get a little help from assisted treatments. There’s an established body of medical research around the hugely positive effect of diet and lifestyle on a range of outcomes including conception, miscarriage and IFV outcomes. There are known hormone-disrupting foods, chemicals, and stressors and absolutely affect your cycles each month, affect egg and sperm quality and wear out your body. Our nutrition lifestyle, emotions, movement and mindset can affect the balance of our body, so we’ll work really holistically to get the best out of our time together.

How much time will I need to commit to the programme?

I want to work with motivated, open-minded couples who are ready for change and transformation. Although the programme is fully bespoke and will be tailored to you and your lifestyle so you don’t feel overwhelmed, making changes does take work and commitment. It will be so worth it though and I’ll take care of you every step of the way.

Why don’t you offer single sessions?

I’ve been doing this long enough to know that meaningful change takes time and there are no quick fixes. Because of the way egg and sperm develop, it takes around three months of implementing changes to have an impact. Of course, we are aiming for a healthy pregnancy as a result of our work together but getting healthy and balanced and taking time for ourselves is super valuable in itself. My Fertile Roots programme supports you every step of the way through the ups and downs and gives you the support you need to make meaningful changes for YOU as well as for pregnancy.

Do you offer payment plans?

You can invest upfront and be done with it or you can pay in monthly instalments.

Do you just work with couples who want to conceive naturally or do you help support IVF outcomes?

I work with both natural conception and ART to help maximise chances of success. With ART is important to factor in the 3-4 months prep time ahead of treatment when working with me

Do you work with couples who've had miscarriages?

Yes, I commonly work with women who’ve had miscarriages. There is lots that can be done to identify and treat underlying factors to hugely mitigate the chance of a future miscarriage.

Can we be trying to conceive whilst we are doing the programme and what happens if I get pregnant during it?

This is case by case and will always be your choice but there may be certain circumstances where I’ll recommend taking a three-month break whilst working with me, (if you feel comfortable) to lay the foundations for a healthy pregnancy before TTC. If you do fall pregnant during our work together, we will continue with the programme as planned (with a few tweaks and a new focus). What will get you pregnant will also keep you pregnant and the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy can be extremely vulnerable so everything you are learning will be invaluable here.

What testing will you recommend?

This is very bespoke and will absolutely depend on the couple in front of me. We’ll do an extensive deep dive into your health history and body systems and from there I’ll make some recommendations. Some can be done via your GP and some are private.

How much will additional testing and supplements cost?

Again, this is completely bespoke and case by case but we will also take your budget and lifestyle into account. Many tests we can do through the NHS but private functional testing will be an additional investment. On average, couples I work with spend between £500 and £1500 on testing.

Do you work with clients who have PCOS or endometriosis?

I do indeed and have had specialist training around these conditions with relation to fertility.

What about if I have secondary infertility?

I regularly work with couples who already have one or more child but who are struggling to conceive the second time around.

Do you work with male factor infertility?

Absolutely. Where possible I always work with both parts of the couple but the focus may be weighted towards one partner if there is a specific issue we are working on.

What other packages do you offer?

Pregnancy, post-natal and women’s health bespoke packages available on request.

Results from past clients


We are now expecting a baby in July 2022! With Emily’s guidance, I was able to take back control of my body and approach fertility in a completely holistic way.


The programme has been super successful for us: we are now expecting a baby in September 2021.


I was ecstatic that the changes seemed to be working. Little did I know the best was yet to come as the next month we had our first BFP.


Ready to get started?
Book your fertility strategy call now